Archive for June, 2023

The phony health craze that inspired hypnotism

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In the 1780s, a charismatic healer caused a stir in Paris.

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Scientific progress in the 18th century in Europe, a period known as the “Age of Enlightenment,” was demystifying the universe with breakthroughs in chemistry, physics, and philosophy. But medical practices were still relying on centuries-old treatments, like leeching and bloodletting, which were painful and often ineffective. So when Franz Anton Mesmer, a charismatic physician from Vienna, began “healing” people in Paris using an alternative therapeutic practice he called “animal magnetism,” it got a lot of attention.

Mesmer claimed that an invisible magnetic fluid was the life force that connected all things and that he had the power to regulate it to restore health in his patients. He was a celebrity figure until the King of France, Louis XVI, commissioned a group of leading scientists to investigate his methods in 1784.

Benjamin Franklin headed the commission, and they debunked the existence of the magnetic fluid in the first-known blind experiment. Mesmer was ruined, but “mesmerism” didn’t end there. The report also acknowledged that Mesmer’s methods were making his patients feel better, which they attributed to the power of the human imagination. This experiment ultimately laid the groundwork for our understanding of the placebo effect and inspired an evolution of Mesmer’s practice into something more recognizable today: hypnotism.

Further reading:
Mesmerising Science: The Franklin Commission and the Modern Clinical Trial, by Urte Laukaityte

Franz Anton Mesmer and the Rise and Fall of Animal Magnetism, by Doug Lanska

Note: The headline on this piece has been updated. Previous headline: Hypnotism evolved from a phony health craze is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines. Check out

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Thyroid Function Tests- what your results can mean

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If you’ve had thyroid function tests and received the results, this easy-to-understand short animation explains what they are measuring and what you are likely to see on the form.

These are blood tests used to check how your thyroid is working. They measure thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH, Thyroxine or T4 and Triiodothyronine or T3

The thyroid gland is found at the base of the neck. It produces thyroid hormones and releases them into the bloodstream. They control your body’s metabolism and regulate things like your heart rate and body temperature. It is important that your thyroid hormones levels are not too high or low and that they are kept in an even balance. If your T4 levels are low you may feel tired or experience weight gain. This is called Hypothyroidism . If your T4 levels are too high everything runs at a faster rate. You may experience heat intolerance or weight loss. This is Hyperthyroidism. There is a feedback mechanism to make sure levels remain stable. The pituitary gland controls T4 levels. WhenT4 levels are too low it releases more TSH. WhenT4 levels are too high it releases less TSH. In the blood sample sent to the lab we measure TSH, Free Thyroxine (FT4) and Free Triiodothyronine (FT3).

Why Do People Get Thyroid Cancer? | Masha Livhits, MD, and Yasmine Assadipour, MD | UCLAMDChat

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Join UCLA endocrine surgeons Masha Livhits, MD, and Yasmine Assadipour, MD, for a conversation about the underlying risks for thyroid cancer. The discussion will cover genetic syndromes associated with thyroid cancer, environmental factors such as radiation exposure and other personal and lifestyle risks. Learn more:
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How many concussions is too many? When should I quit sports?

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Are you suffering with ongoing concussion symptoms?  Check out our free daily workshops for patients with PCS!  Learn how to reduce your symptoms, increase your function, and reclaim your life…without seeing countless doctors or spending thousands on medical expenses!

When is too many concussions considered TOO MANY? When is it time for an athlete to quit playing contact sports. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this question as it is very individualized. There are a few things we like to look at when having these conversations with athletes. Hopefully this can help you to better determine when it should be time for you to take up a safer sport! This question came from a live Instagram Q & A that was done on January 29, 2020.

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 About us: Complete Concussion Management is a network of trained multidisciplinary healthcare practitioners with advanced training and certification in the assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatment/rehab of concussion injuries. We help patients and athletes safely return to learn, work and play. Looking for concussion assessments, treatment or rehabilitation? We’re here to help: 

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DISCLAIMER This is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of doctors and/or healthcare professionals. Patients should consult their physician and/or healthcare providers in matters relating to their health, and in particular, with respect to any concussion and/or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
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The concussion crisis in football is getting harder and harder to ignore. The sport is trying to change the rules to protect players, but danger could be too deep in its DNA.

Further reading:
PBS’ great coverage of this issue:
Boston University’s CTE Center:
League of Denial Q&A (sbnation)
“Does Football have a future?” (The New Yorker)

Written by Joseph Stromberg
Produced by Joss Fong, Joe Posner, Alex Hawley
Images courtesy of Getty Images

Video footage from:
“League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis” (PBS FRONTLINE)

“Casualties of the Gridiron” (GQ Magazine)

“Brett Favre on NFL, Concussions” (NBC Today show)

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How Thyroid Hormone Effects the Cardiovascular System

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In this video I continue my series about the thyroid hormone. In this video I talk about how thyroid hormone effects the heart and cardiovascular system.
#endocrinesystem #dreldersanatomychannel #cardiovascularsystem #thyroidhormone

Apprends à hypnotiser n'importe qui en 1 minute | tutoriel d'hypnose facile et rapide

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Apprendre à hypnotiser une personne

Maitrisez l’hypnose avec ce livre :Cliquez ici

Comment hypnotiser une personne ? Vous voulez apprendre à hypnotiser une personne rapidement ? Faites cette découverte en visionnant la vidéo suivante.

Yannick Mariolle, hypnothérapeute et enseignant international en hypnose (, vous montre comment hypnotiser une personne.

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