Archive for July, 2023

Understanding thryroid hormone production

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After watching this video you’ll be able to explain the steps involved in thyroid hormone production.

This video was taken from our hands-on and CME accredited Thyroid Masterclass Course. You can check it out here:
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Thyroid Peroxidase | TPO | Anti TPO Antibodies | Thyroid Antibodies |

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Thyroid Peroxidase | TPO | Anti TPO Antibodies | Thyroid Antibodies |

Thyroid peroxidase, also calledΒ thyroperoxidaseΒ (TPO) orΒ iodide peroxidase, is anΒ enzymeΒ expressed mainly in theΒ thyroid.

Thyroid peroxidase oxidizesΒ iodideΒ ions to formΒ iodineΒ atoms for addition ontoΒ tyrosineΒ residues onΒ thyroglobulinΒ for the production ofΒ thyroxineΒ (T4) orΒ triiodothyronineΒ (T3), theΒ thyroid hormones.

In humans, thyroperoxidase is encoded by theΒ TPOΒ gene.

Thyroid peroxidase is a frequentΒ epitopeΒ ofΒ autoantibodiesΒ in autoimmune thyroid disease, ..autoantibodies likeΒ anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodiesΒ (anti-TPO antibodies).

This is most commonly associated withΒ Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Thus, anΒ antibody titerΒ can be used to assess disease activity in patients that have developed such antibodies.
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Learn what it means to have high thyroid antibodies and what you need to do.
Thyroid presentation referenced-

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This is your brain during a concussion 😬 🧠 😱

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It may look like Jell-O, but this brain is the same consistency as a real brain!

As Dr. Christopher Giza from UCLA demonstrates, the brain is made of soft tissue and floats in fluid inside of the skull. When the skull moves quickly, the brain can jostle around a lot, which can lead to neurological symptoms.

β€œMost concussions are recoverable,” Giza said.

But concussions can be difficult to identify and some people suffer more serious symptoms, particularly after multiple concussions.

Lab studies have shown a β€œwindow of vulnerability” after a first concussion, Giza said. Concussed athletes are three to six times more likely to get another concussion. If they rush back to play, their reflexes, reaction time and thinking may be slower, putting them at risk of a second concussion and longer recovery period.

#CTE #Concussions #ucla
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