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Concussion Symptoms

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How can you tell if it’s a concussion? Neuropsychologist Summer Ott discusses signs and symptoms that may be indicative of concussion.

Learn more about the IRONMAN Sports Medicine Institute Concussion Program at
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Understanding Thyroid Function Tests

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This video contains a visual explanation of thyroid function tests, including the results in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, antibody tests and thyroid imaging (ultrasound and radioactive isotope scans).

Written notes on thyroid function tests can be found at

Practice questions and flashcards can be found at:

How I make these videos:

Tom Watchman channel:

Zero to Finals Medicine, 2nd edition:

Zero to Finals Surgery:

Zero to Finals Surgery Questions:

Zero to Finals Paediatrics:

Zero to Finals Obstetrics and Gynaecology:


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Everything you need to know about TFTs blood test, including THYROID SYMPTOMS
From a Junior Doctor, for Medical Students

Please consider subscribing and liking the video, it helps the channel a lot! 🙂

00:00 – Blood test intro
00:19 – Thyroid axis
01:21 – Primary hyperthyroidism
02:04 – Secondary hyperthyroidism
03:00 – Primary hypothyroidism
03:45 – Secondary hypothyroidism

– My full chest x-ray tutorial series:

– My full abdominal x-ray tutorial series:

How exactly does hypnotic suggestion work?

cures No Comments » Question: How does hypnotic suggestion work?

Answer: The best way to explain this is to offer you a model I like to use. Imagine a big beach-ball with a small coin, say a dime, sitting on top. The beach-ball is the totality of your awareness. It’s your unconscious mind, and contains everything you’ve ever seen or done, every place you’ve ever been, every person you’ve ever met, every book you’ve ever read and every movie you’ve ever seen. It’s everything you know and have learned and everything you believe to be true, as well as all your aspirations and hopes, all the filters you use to make judgements, and every dream you’ve ever had. Clearly, it is vast!

And then we have the dime, which is tiny by comparison. The dime is your conscious mind, and is everything you are currently aware of, typically about 7 bits of information at any given time. (If you wish to argue this with me, save your breath. It’s only a useful model, and not reality!) Now imagine that between the dime and the beach-ball is a coaster you could put your coffee cup on, so you don’t stain or damage the coffee table. So the dime sits on the coaster which rests on the beach-ball. The coaster is what we call the critical faculty. (Remember, it’s just a model; a way of understanding and making sense of hypnosis…)

The critical faculty functions like a firewall on your computer. It prevents or permits information to enter the unconscious mind and cause a particular response. It generally does a pretty good job, and stops suggestions that wouldn’t want, from getting in. The critical faculty is also connected to our ability to think critically. To evaluate concepts and situations and make determinations based on our analysis.

When one goes into hypnosis, the critical faculty remains present, but becomes more permeable, or porous, if you like, permitting greater access to the unconscious and its vast treasure-trove of resources. Once the critical faculty is bypassed, suggestions can get in and affect the unconscious. Nevertheless, if a suggestion is perceived as dangerous or immoral, the critical faculty will lock down and either prevent the person from complying, or simply end the hypnotic trance and awaken the subject. So hypnotic suggestion works by bypassing the critical faculty.
Video Rating: / 5

Brought to you by AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement and Helix Sleep premium mattresses

Watch my full interview with Dr. Andrew Huberman here:

Show notes:
Andrew’s YouTube channel:

“Use the body to control the mind.”
— Dr. Andrew Huberman

Andrew Huberman, PhD is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. He has made numerous important contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity. Andrew is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation fellow and recipient of the 2017 Cogan Award for his discoveries in the study of vision. Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford Medicine has been consistently published in top journals including Nature, Science, and Cell.

Andrew is host of the Huberman Lab podcast, which he launched in January of this year. The show aims to help viewers and listeners improve their health with science and science-based tools. New episodes air every Monday on YouTube and all podcast platforms.


About Tim Ferriss:
Tim Ferriss is one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies. He is also the author of five #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef, Tools of Titans and Tribe of Mentors. The Observer and other media have named him “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 500 million downloads and been selected for “Best of Apple Podcasts” three years running.

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What your doctor wants you to know about your +TPO antibody

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The TPO antibody is often misunderstood, get the facts and bunk the myths of your + TPO antibody.

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5 Things you need to know about your +ANA:
5 Facts about your dsDNA antibody:
Top 3 facts about the anti-centromere antibody:

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*Please note – we do not provide medical advice, opinions or diagnosis via email, phone or social media messaging. We are only open to new patients who reside in Texas, USA.*

👩🏻‍⚕️ About me:
Hello! I am Dr. Elizabeth Ortiz and I’d like to thank you for stopping by Connected Rheumatology. I am a board certified Internist and Rheumatologist with over 12 years experience practicing Rheumatology and am passionate about teaching & empowering patients to step up and partner with their doctor. Connected Rheumatology is based in Dallas, Texas and provides state-of-the-art, personalized rheumatology consults for anyone with confirmed or suspected rheumatic, autoimmune or musculoskeletal conditions.

We discuss all things Rheumatology, Immunology, Diet & Movement & Mental Health & Wellness because we believe IT IS ALL CONNECTED!

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional. Any comments and/or recommendations made in the comment section by anyone other than Connected Rheumatology does not reflect the opinion or recommendation of Connected Rheumatology.**

Hypnosis: Remove Hypnotic Suggestions (Request)

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Support The Channel:

This video is designed to help the viewer remove any hypnotic suggestions that they have received from any of my videos or any other videos on YouTube. The video allows for you to pick and choose which suggestions you want to keep or remove also. If you have a request for a future video please feel free to send me an email at or send a PM to my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoy the video. If you are under 18 you should never video yourself watching a hypnosis video or respond to people requesting that you do so. I made a PSA addressing this topic which you can watch here:
Stay safe online and enjoy. ,

Deep Reset - Hypnosis

Remove all triggers and effects, including my own. Includes induction and can be repeated. – Intended effect: Thorough removal of triggers/effects.

More effective with an induction:

Will leave you in a trance afterwards, best done in a playlist with another file on my channel.

• Transcript & download:
• Hundreds more:
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• Type: Gentle
• Category: Safety
• Features: Participation, Open ending
• Summary:
The listener is guided through a deep reset process to remove various effects and triggers that they may have absorbed over time. Nimja explains that the listener can repeat the process as many times as they want to fully remove these effects. The listener is instructed to relax and listen to Nimja’s voice as they count down from 10 to 1, allowing their mind to sink into a deep and relaxing state. Once in this state, Nimja explains that they will give the listener’s mind a deep massage to reveal and relax hidden triggers and effects. The listener is guided to go even deeper into their subconscious to evaluate and bring to the surface any triggers or effects they want to remove. Symbols are used to represent these triggers on a blackboard in the listener’s mind. The listener is then given the power to erase these symbols with a wet sponge, completely clearing their mind of these triggers and effects. The file ends by assuring the listener that they can choose to listen again if they want to remove more triggers, but they are also free to awaken refreshed and fully aware of everything that has happened.

#asmr #hypnosis #participation #openended #safety #gentle

New Treatment For Risky Thyroid Nodules

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CBS2’s Dr. Max Gomez has the latest on a new treatment to remove thyroid nodules.
Video Rating: / 5

Soccer headbands to prevent concussions? Why they don't work!

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Are you suffering with ongoing concussion symptoms?  Check out our free daily workshops for patients with PCS!  Learn how to reduce your symptoms, increase your function, and reclaim your life…without seeing countless doctors or spending thousands on medical expenses!

Are you suffering with ongoing concussion symptoms?  Check out our free daily workshops for patients with PCS!  Learn how to reduce your symptoms, increase your function, and reclaim your life…without seeing countless doctors or spending thousands on medical expenses!

Do you recommend concussion headbands for female soccer? Concussion headbands have never been proven to prevent concussion – Here’s why!

This question came from a live Instagram Q & A that was done on January 29, 2020.

Subscribe to our channel – Keep your concussion knowledge up to date!… 

Find a certified concussion clinic –… 

Become a CERTIFIED Concussion Provider:… 

 Take our Level One Concussion Training course – Take the first step to improve your concussion knowledge and earn 13 hours of CE credits with our Level One – Introduction to Concussion Management course! https://courses.completeconcussions.c… 

 Subscribe to Concussion Chronicles to receive monthly concussion research updates direct to your inbox:… 

 Concussion Tracker app – Available for iOS and Android!… 

 About us: Complete Concussion Management is a network of trained multidisciplinary healthcare practitioners with advanced training and certification in the assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatment/rehab of concussion injuries. We help patients and athletes safely return to learn, work and play. Looking for concussion assessments, treatment or rehabilitation? We’re here to help: 

CCMI’s blog is your resource for concussion knowledge. Updated regularly:… 

 Follow us on social! –…

DISCLAIMER This is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of doctors and/or healthcare professionals. Patients should consult their physician and/or healthcare providers in matters relating to their health, and in particular, with respect to any concussion and/or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Video Rating: / 5

Is soccer headgear effective in protecting athletes against concussion? | Norton Sports Health

Tad Seifert, M.D., answers the question, “Is soccer headgear effective in protecting athletes against concussion?”

To learn more about concussions, go to

How To Hypnotize Anyone Tutorial (Works Every Time)

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If you’re interested in learning more and working with me schedule a call with me here. 👇

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Hi, I’m Debbie Catz. I’m a certified clinical hypnotherapist here in the San Francisco Bay area. I have a masters degree in social work. To learn more about this you can visit my website at And now I’m going to help you understand the simplicity of hypnosis. So if you want to use hypnosis on some one else the first thing you have to do is get their permission because all hypnosis is self hypnosis.So if a person does not want to go in that relaxed stage known as hypnosis then they aren’t going to go.There are a number of ways to induce hypnosis, one of the easiest way is to tire the eyes and that can be done by staring at a point on ceiling or staring at somebody’s hand, basically tiring the eyes will get somebody to begin to get relax and begin to want to close their eyes.Once you have achieved the eye closure,then you can take a person to a favorite place,and in their mind you talk about the mind’s eye while their eyes are closed they are using their subconscious mind they are accessing their memory so they will got to a favorite place perhaps out at nature seeing all their favorite things using all their senses to be there , so you direct them uses all senses to be there, seeing all your favorite things perhaps trees, mountains may be an ocean and once they have done that then you can deepen the state of relaxation for more subconsciousness mind, the one way to deepen the state of relaxation is to count backwards, I am counting backwards from 15 down to 1 and when i am going to reach 1 you are going so deeply relaxed, more relaxed you have ever been. This isn’t rocket science, its really pretty easy. Start counting 15,14,13 and going all the way down, you will be amazed how relaxed they will become.

How Many Concussions Is Too Many?

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How Many Concussions Is Too Many?

How many concussions is too many concussions?

Interested in learning more about the treatment and management of concussion?

— CONCUSSION PATIENTS! Learn how to treat your concussion from home in Dr. Cameron Marshalls weekly online workshops. Click here to learn more:

— CLINICIANS AND REHAB THERAPISTS (PT, DC, OT, AT, etc.)! Learn how to treat ANY Concussion Patient that enters your clinic in Dr. Cameron Marshalls weekly online workshops. Click here to learn more:

Follow Dr. Cameron Marshall on Instagram for daily information on concussion: @concussion_doc

There’s a saying, “If it’s happened before, it may happen again.”

Concussions are one of those things that we need to be careful with.

A lot of what we strive for is education our athletes and patients, to show them signs to look out for.

You may have even experienced a concussion before without knowing, and it’s much better to know to look for so you you’re better equipped to not let something as important as a concussion go undiagnosed.

If you’ve had a head injury, we have docs who have spent years and seen thousands of concussions who would love to help you through that →

Schedule your appointment online →
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Video Rating: / 5

Under the Hypnotist's Spell | SCARY STORY | SPINE-CHILLING STORIES

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This is the story of one very unlucky volunteer…

What’s going bump in the night? Find out in this series featuring all new, original scary stories.

Voiceover: Dallis Brinkman
Written By: Joseph Porter
Executive Producer: Judy Meyers
Producer: Madeline Salazar
Directed By: Madeline Salazar
Illustrations and Animation By: Justine Prebich
Animation and Sound Design By: Montana Hall

Join the fun on Peacock Kids where you can find an endless supply of laugh-out-loud jokes, lovable characters, life hacks, music, magic, gaming and more!

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Video Rating: / 5

Hypnotise: capture the whole attention of someone; to fascinate someone.

Sentence: The magician hypnotised the girl with the help of a coin.


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