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केवल 5 मिनट में खुद को हिप्नोटाइज करना सीखें, Learn self hypnosis hindi in 5 min #SanjivMalik

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यह विडियो Sanjiv Malik जी द्वारा upload किया गया है.

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Mr. Sanjiv Malik is Founder, Director, Mind Power & Parenting Expert, NLP Certified Practitioner, Motivational Speaker with a Reach to Over 5 Crore Viewers. B. Tech Engineer by profession and having 17 years of industrial experience.

He is Motivational Speaker, Certified NLP Life Coach, Master Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Reiki Grand Master, Mind Power Trainer, Garbh Sanskar Trainer, Access Bars Facilitator, M.D in Suzok and Acupressure, Healing Crystals and DMIT Expert.

He Speaks on various Topics including Motivation, Inspiration, Self Improvement, Self Hypnosis, Meditation, Parenting, Teenage issues, Personality Development, Third Eye, Midbrain Activation DMIT etc.

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We offer Clinical Hypnotherapy Courses and Treatment of psychological problems (phobia, stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, fear, sexual issues, low memory, relationship issues, low confidence and various other kinds of problems).
Contact us NOW: +91-9717990561, +91-9871316116

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The dangers of hypnosis and hypnotherapy | Human Givens

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A short extract from a talk by Ivan Tyrrell, Principal of Human Givens College, in which he explores some common misconceptions and dangers of modern hypnotherapy.

He explains why great efforts to learn about the importance of the REM state should be undertaken before attempting to use trance states in therapy.

Hypnosis is the word we use to describe any technique which artificially gains access to the REM state the most fundamental process in any human being. Like an internal theatre the REM state is that in which our instincts are programmed, our unfulfilled emotional expectations are acted out metaphorically (in dreams) and through which new knowledge enters us via mystical experiences.

When therapists use guided imagery and trance states in their work they should do so with the lightest touch possible, as accessing the REM state in this way without sufficient knowledge and awareness of its power can damage the patient.

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How to MASTER Hypnosis in Days! Best way to learn fast.

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Learn hypnosis today and become a hypnotist fast! These are the best sources to learn hypnosis that I have come across in my 20 years as a professional hypnotist!

Find everything from the list here:

The New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism (Ormond McGill):

The Ronning Guide to Modern Stage Hypnosis (Geoffrey Ronning):

Reality is Plastic (Anthony Jacquin):

Induction DVD (Spidey):

Induction Download (Spidey):

Hypnosis used as pain relief at Montreal Children’s Hospital:

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If you would like to find out more about training in my RTT®️ method, click the link here –

Teach yourself how to use self-hypnosis. Watch as I teach two volunteers how to hypnotize themselves.

By practicing self-hypnosis, you can use it to help in many situations, such as sleeping when you fly or visiting the dentist and helping to overcome difficulties you face, such as low confidence.

Change your thinking and live an extraordinary life!

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An internationally award-winning qualified hypnotherapist with advanced certificates in hypnotherapy from the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles. Marisa has completed additional studies in hypno-healing, advanced hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy, and Gestalt analysis.

Having undertaken further studies at the Proudfoot School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and the Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy, Marisa has dedicated the last three decades to researching, testing, and applying the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience.

The result of over 30 years of careful and rigorous study, Marisa’s unique Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to overcome their own personal challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

● If you would like to train to become an RTT®️therapist, click the link –

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Self hypnosis techniques l Self hypnosis in hindi l Dr Kashika Jain

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In this video, Dr Kashika Jain explains-Self hypnosis techniques l Self hypnosis in hindi. She has explained this concept in a very simple way.
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Dr KASHIKA JAIN is an Internationally renowned, RCI Registered Psychologist | Author | Hypnotherapist| Life Coach | NLP Master Practitioner, Founder of ” Wonderful You, Psycho Solution Clinic” with the vision to spread Hope & Happiness in society and make people’s life wonderful.
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DISCLAIMER: This video was created to raise awareness about mental health. The content in this video is strictly for educational and informational purposes and is not intended to be advice or recommendation of any kind whatsoever. It is also not created with an intent to harm, injure or defame any person, body of persons, association, company or anyone. Anyone who wishes to apply concepts and ideas contained in this video takes full responsibility for their actions. Viewers should always do their own due diligence on any information perceived from this video, to form their own opinions and best judgements. The material contained in this video cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to financial, medical, psychological or legal matters. Every individual should consult with their own healthcare professional like psychologist, counsellor, therapist, psychiatrist or any mental health worker before embarking on a healthcare journey. The information provided is no substitute for a thorough evaluation, diagnosis and advice from your doctor or psychologist. The video is not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purposes. Dr Kashika Jain accepts no liability for any kind of content on this video, or responsibility for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly on account of any actions taken based on the information provided in this video as is and without warranties. This video is not intended to spread rumours or offend or hurt the sentiments of any religion, communities or individuals, or to bring disrepute to any person (living or non-living). Despite our best intentions there may be sections that get offended by this video. So, we sincerely apologise for any such hurt our video might have caused. This video is NOT FOR SALE
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You can contact us to have the solution of Healthy Sleep or similar issues.

We offer Clinical Hypnotherapy Courses and Treatment of psychological problems (phobia, stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, fear, sexual issues, low memory, relationship issues, low confidence and various other kinds of problems).
Contact us NOW: +91-9717990561, +91-9871316116


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Quick Unwanted Hypnosis Trigger/Suggestion Removal

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Download this file FOR FREE here:

I noticed a few people were asking for stuff like this via discord, so I wanted to make a file for a quick and easy removal of an unwanted trigger or suggestion. There is no formal induction and it is all done through NLP technique and waking suggestion. If you would like a version with a formal induction let me know.

The technique I use to remove the trigger is a replacement method, where we overlap the suggestions you have with the word, “no”. This also gives a lot of empowerment suggestions and reminds you that you are in fact in control, your subconscious observer knows what you want and what you don’t, and you can control what is accepted or not. So this is kind of a ‘double whammy’ in terms of getting rid of the suggestions/triggers you don’t want and also making sure you are in an empowered headspace as a hypnosis bottom.

This will NOT remove all triggers. This only is aimed to removed ones you want gone, any other triggers you have will be left in tact.

To submit a script or send feedback, email me here


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The phony health craze that inspired hypnotism

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In the 1780s, a charismatic healer caused a stir in Paris.

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Scientific progress in the 18th century in Europe, a period known as the “Age of Enlightenment,” was demystifying the universe with breakthroughs in chemistry, physics, and philosophy. But medical practices were still relying on centuries-old treatments, like leeching and bloodletting, which were painful and often ineffective. So when Franz Anton Mesmer, a charismatic physician from Vienna, began “healing” people in Paris using an alternative therapeutic practice he called “animal magnetism,” it got a lot of attention.

Mesmer claimed that an invisible magnetic fluid was the life force that connected all things and that he had the power to regulate it to restore health in his patients. He was a celebrity figure until the King of France, Louis XVI, commissioned a group of leading scientists to investigate his methods in 1784.

Benjamin Franklin headed the commission, and they debunked the existence of the magnetic fluid in the first-known blind experiment. Mesmer was ruined, but “mesmerism” didn’t end there. The report also acknowledged that Mesmer’s methods were making his patients feel better, which they attributed to the power of the human imagination. This experiment ultimately laid the groundwork for our understanding of the placebo effect and inspired an evolution of Mesmer’s practice into something more recognizable today: hypnotism.

Further reading:
Mesmerising Science: The Franklin Commission and the Modern Clinical Trial, by Urte Laukaityte

Franz Anton Mesmer and the Rise and Fall of Animal Magnetism, by Doug Lanska

Note: The headline on this piece has been updated. Previous headline: Hypnotism evolved from a phony health craze is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines. Check out

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Apprends à hypnotiser n'importe qui en 1 minute | tutoriel d'hypnose facile et rapide

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Apprendre à hypnotiser une personne

Maitrisez l’hypnose avec ce livre :Cliquez ici

Comment hypnotiser une personne ? Vous voulez apprendre à hypnotiser une personne rapidement ? Faites cette découverte en visionnant la vidéo suivante.

Yannick Mariolle, hypnothérapeute et enseignant international en hypnose (, vous montre comment hypnotiser une personne.

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How To Hypnotize Someone Easy

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How To Hypnotize Someone Easy
Do you want to learn How To Hypnotize Someone Easy? Press here and find out now!
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Learning how to hypnotize someone is very easy and you can already do it right now!
The key is to be able to excite and grab the attention of the person you want to hypnotize!

We have all been hypnotized several times in our lives as well as we hypnotized others. How? Very simple!
Every time you tell a story, you are actually inducing your listener into a state a trance.

Sadly, many people have the wrong idea about hypnosis and think of it more like some sort of magic or sorcery than a tool for help, healing, and growth.

Hypnosis is not magic but can have magical results. It works at the deepest level of the mind and psyche and the transformations achieved with its help are often long-lasting.

If you want to learn how to hypnotize someone for beginners click here:

Here are a few words that you can use instead of hypnosis:
– enthralled,
– entranced
– absorbed
– sucked in
– engulfed
– consumed
– excited
– passionate
– mesmerized
– fascinated
– spellbound
– compelled

Therefore, the best way to hypnotize someone easily is to tell them a story.

Stories activate several areas of our brains whereas plain facts and numbers engage only a few. That is the reason why most people are bored to death when it comes to data only.

However, if you mix data with metaphors, you can generate amazing stories that grab people’s attention and spark their imagination.
That is trance!
That is a form of hypnosis!

This ability to help people through stories was taken to the next level by arguably, the most famous modern-day hypnotist, Milton Erickson.

Milton was the champion of healing through stories and has helped many people throughout his career by hypnotizing them easily with stories.

This is also my recommendation to you, especially if you are a beginner in hypnosis: learn how to use metaphors, comparisons, and create stories.
In those stories, introduce the suggestions you would like to give.
This works especially well if you want to help other people.

Our brains are wired for stories. We heard them since our early childhood and they influenced our lives in every single way.
That is why it is so easy to hypnotize people by telling them stories.

If you want to learn hypnosis and want to learn how to hypnotize people make sure to subscribe to this channel by clicking on this link:

Also, if you want o get more articles and courses about hypnosis, make sure to visit my website at:

My goal is to help people have a better life through a variety of how-to techniques and methods, by publishing videos about the mind, emotions and the body.

The videos I post here include hypnosis techniques, NLP techniques, psychology and psychotherapy, coaching and counseling practices that will help you both as a professional as well as a human being.

Let’s keep in touch!
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How to Hypnotize Someone Instantly

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The Arm Pull Induction. Notice two things. First of all, she starts to go into hypnosis before I do the induction and second, her knees buckle. I was so glad I had placed a chair behind her… just in case!

If you’d like to learn hypnosis for free, go to my website and sign up for my newsletter. It comes out every Tuesday morning and provides FREE tips on how to do hypnosis. This is the place where I explain in detail what is going on in the videos. Guaranteed non-spammy!!

Learn how to do Instant Hypnosis:

Can somebody who doesn’t think that hypnosis is real actually get hypnotized?

Hypnosis isn’t mind control so it won’t work if somebody is closed off to it, but whether you think it’s real or not, if you are open to experiencing hypnosis then you can get hypnotized!

If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to subscribe and enable notifications so you don’t miss any of the exciting new videos I have releasing soon! (:

I have MERCH available! Check out to grab some cool hypnosis swag!

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How to Hypnotize Someone

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Free Hypnosis Course at

Learn how to hypnotize someone with our free course, click the link above. There have been tons of people emailing us and asking for a fast and simple way to see if hypnosis can work for someone who’s not an expert and just wants a quick mind control trick to practice on their friends. That is why we created this video. But, if you want to learn the real secrets of covert mind control and how to hypnotize someone they follow the above url for the free program.

We’ve been in the fields of hypnotism and mind control for years and now teach the methods and techniques of NLP, mind control, mentalism and much more.

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Conversational Hypnosis NLP Subliminal Persuasion