Natural Synergy employs a combination of two Acu-therapies: Acupressure and Acu-Acoustics to extinguish strong pain while accelerating the healing process.
The Natural Synergy system treats a host of common pains and ailments in as little as 3 minutes a day.
Hypothyroidism is a condition involving a low thyroid functioning (decreased thyroid hormone levels). Thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) are important for metabolism, movement and mentation, and when these hormones are low, it can lead to specific signs and symptoms.
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Normal thyroid function is important for ovulation and healthy pregnancy. Dr. David H. Barad explains how the Center for Human Reproduction normalizes thyroid function in women attempting pregnancies. Learn more about Thyroid Function at: Video Rating: / 5
Irregular, delayed or missed periods is a very common problem amongst women these days and can affect her fertility and compromise her health. Having a regular and proper menstrual cycle is a sign of good reproductive health and happy hormones in the body. In today’s episode in the Menstruation series, we discuss normal and abnormal causes of irregular periods and ways to manage them. I have tried to explain some medical facts in as simple way as I could. Hope it helps all of you and inspires you to follow a lifestyle which in itself can cure irregular periods on its own. Take care! And thank you for showing lot of love on my videos.
‘MAITRI’ which is going to be your friend and guide towards your journey to health! We will talk about female / women’s health, pregnancy, health in Corona and Covid -19 times Yoga at home, fitness, diet, PCOD and much more! Please subscribe, like and share!
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Learn how to tackle a low thyroid for a better life from RedRiver Health and Wellness. Video Rating: / 5
Diagnosed with Under-Active Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)? British Doctor Dr Hart-Pinto tells you all you need to know about your Under-active thyroid.
This patient information video on hypothyroidism. covers your questions on; what is Hypothyroidism / under active thyroid? Are there any risk factors for getting an under active thyroid? What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism? & how is it diagnosed? How will your under active thyroid be treated? What are the problems if my under active thyroid isn’t treated?
#HypoThyroid #UnderActiveThyroid #Symptoms
0:00 Intro
0:38 What is under-active thyroid & What causes it?
3:00 Are there any risk factors for getting an under-active thyroid?
3:18 What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
4:15 how Hypothyroidism diagnosed?
5:31 How will your under-active thyroid be treated?
6:42 What are the problems if my under-active thyroid isn’t treated?
All images used in this video are licensed for commercial use
Medical Lectures and OSCE Videos produced by GMC registered/Certified Doctors. JHP Medical website provides access to online questions, videos and lecture notes.
Lectures cover definitions, aetiology, symptoms, clinical features, management, prognosis and complications of a wide variety of medical topics. Also covered are medical statistics, ethics and law.
1. Dr. A. Hart-Pinto MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCS
2. Dr. Najeebah Jaunbocus MBChB MRCGP
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JHP Medical UK contains content generated by our doctors. Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on JHP Medical UK are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment.
Reasonable effort shall be made to update the information on the JHP Medical UK YouTube channel. However, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
The thyroid gland is a small organ that’s located in the front of the neck, wrapped around the windpipe aka the trachea. It is shaped like a butterfly, smaller in the middle with two wide wings that extend around the side of your throat. Your thyroid has an important job to do — releasing and controlling the levels of thyroid hormone. The main role of the thyroid hormone is to control many vital functions of your body including your metabolism. Thyroid disorders are very common. In fact, about 12% of people will experience abnormal thyroid function at some point during their lives, and an estimated 20 million people in the Unites States are suffering from some type of thyroid disorder.
Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid, is when the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones to meet your body’s needs. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. Thyroid hormones control the way the body uses energy, so they affect nearly every organ in your body, even the way your heart beats. Without enough thyroid hormones, many of your body’s functions slow down.
Thyroid function tests (TFTs) and labs explained easily in under 7 minutes (ish). First, we’ll be looking at the thyroid hormonal excess and once you understand the key players we’ll move on to see how I look at thyroid blood lab results. Learn how to interpret TFTs and to see if a patient has hypothyroid, euthyroid, or hyperthyroid.
Now the tricky part – how to read and analyze the blood tests when it comes to thyroid function tests (TFTs). Simples – watch the video and here are some timestamps to help guide you along the way.
0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Thyroid Hormonal Axis/The hypothalamic pituitary thyroid axis
1:26 – Primary care blood tests done in the UK
1:43 – Hyperthyroidism (Primary and secondary)
3:34 – Hypothyroidism (Primary and secondary)
5:03 – Subclinical hypothyroid/ subclinical hyperthyroid
6:34 – Outro – take attempt 675 (ish)
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The hypothalamus in the brain releases TRH (thyroid releasing hormone), which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to release TSH (Thyroid secreting hormone. This pretty much does what it says on the tin. It goes to the thyroid gland and – yup you guessed it stimulates it to create T4 and T3. This, in turn, acts as a negative feedback loop back to the hypothalamus and the circle of life is complete folks!
High levels T4/T3 will slam the brakes and reduce the TRH and TSH production. Likewise low levels of T4/T3 then TRH and TSH levels rise – in order to normalize the low T4/T3.
What are normal T3, T4 and TSH (thyroid function test results)? In the UK this can vary between labs so check locally. My local labs have the following results:
TFT Normal Ranges:
TSH 0.4 – 4.0 mU/l (milliunits per litre)
FT4 9.0 – 25.0Â Â pmol/l (picomoles per litre)
FT3 3.5 – 7.8 pmol/l (picomoles per litre)
All information included is for educational purposes and not for medical use, application, or advice. Please use your own clinical judgment and local protocols. Phew, now that boring legal stuff is out of the way…
If you’re new here – Hey, I’m Khalid and I work as a family physician or General Practioner here in London. Follow my journey as I reflect on the lessons learnt from my time as a pre-med, medical student, junior doctor, GP trainee, and now as a family physician.
This women’s day, learn about the Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy with our expert Dr Shivani Chandan L, Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar.
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy is not common. However, the symptoms can be overlooked because some mimic the hormonal changes of a normal pregnancy, such as tiredness and weight gain. If left untreated, maternal hypothyroidism poses a risk for both mother and baby.
Dr Shivani Chandan L is presently working as a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar. She is a clinician par excellence with sound knowledge in this field. She practises evidence-based medicine providing patient-centred care. Her expertise lies in the management of complex high-risk pregnancies, instrumental deliveries and vaginal birth after previous caesarean. She has worked in a busy tertiary care referral hospital gaining vast experience in dealing with complicated Obstetric cases associated with Heart disease, endocrine disorders, kidney disease, bleeding disorders requiring multidisciplinary inputs. She believes in protocol led, a team-based approach which contributes immensely in reducing caesarean section rates. She has a special interest in Obstetric intensive care and emergency obstetric care.
Avail Teleconsultation services @ Video Rating: / 5
Dr. Trolice discusses how the thyroid affects both pregnancy and the ability to conceive.
Thyroid Blood Tests from Hi9 by Dr.Ravi Sankar Endocrinologist working at Apollo Hospital
When we speak about Thyroid blood test we are speaking about simple blood test related to Thyroid Hormones such as TSH free T4 and free T3 these are the names of the common Thyroid blood test that you might see when you go to a laboratory to give your blood for Thyroid blood test Video Rating: / 5
Endocrinologist Mary Vouyiouklis Kellis, MD, shows you how to check your neck for thyroid nodules at home. All you need is a glass of water and a mirror. Video Rating: / 5
This animation is about most common thyroid problems. Hypothyrodism, hyperthyrodism and goiter and their causes are explained. Also symptoms which occur in these disorders are mentioned. Finally, we discuss the possible treatments.
Watch the animation “Thyroid gland – Structure and function” to learn more about the thyroid’s function and different hormones it produces.
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