Concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), is typically defined as a head injury that temporarily affects brain functioning.[8] Symptoms may include loss of consciousness (LOC); memory loss; headaches; difficulty with thinking, concentration or balance; nausea; blurred vision; sleep disturbances; and mood changes.[1] Any of these symptoms may begin immediately, or appear days after the injury.[1] It is not unusual for symptoms to last 2 weeks in adults and 4 weeks in children.[9][2] Fewer than 10% of sports-related concussions among children are associated with loss of consciousness.[10]

Common causes include motor vehicle collisions, falls, sports injuries and bicycle accidents.[3][4] Risk factors include drinking alcohol[5] and a prior history of concussion.[9] The mechanism of injury involves either a direct blow to the head or forces elsewhere on the body that are transmitted to the head.[9] This is believed to result in neuron dysfunction, as there is increased glucose requirements but not enough blood supply.[2] Diagnosis requires less than 30 minutes of LOC, memory loss of less than 24 hours, and a Glasgow coma scale score of 13 to 15.[6] Otherwise, it is considered a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury.[6]

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