Kids Meet a Hypnotist | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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Kids Meet a Hypnotist | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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We see hypnosis in movies and TV all the time – after a few swings of a watch, some poor sap starts clucking like a chicken or crying like a baby – but is there any truth to this? Can you actually hypnotize someone?

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Close your eyes. Breathe in and out, slowly. Picture yourself by the ocean. It’s warm; you can hear waves. You’re completely at ease. Now, when I count backwards from 3… yadda, yadda yadda and ta-dah: That’s the Hollywood version of hypnosis. Luckily, it’s bunk. But what is hypnosis? Is it real?

The short answer: yes… but maybe not the way you think.

Hypnosis is a trance state characterized by suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination – like daydreaming. Think of “losing yourself” in a book or movie. You’re conscious, but you tune out stimuli, including your own worries and doubts. This happens more often than you might think – in fact, by that definition, you’ve probably accidentally hypnotized yourself before.

You’re highly suggestible when entranced, so when a hypnotist tells you to do something, you’re more likely to do it – hence the ol’ cluck-like-a-chicken bit. Fear of embarrassment flies out the window, but not a sense of safety and morality. It’s reassuring when you think about it. At least stage magicians are churning out temporary chickens instead of Winter Soldiers.

Hypnosis is often described as a way to access the subconscious — the part of your mind that does the “behind-the-scenes” thinking. It’s the unsung hero solving problems, finding your stuff, giving you out-of-the-blue “eureka” moments and whatnot.

Psychiatrists think hypnosis partially subdues the conscious mind. Think of your conscious mind as an inhibitive force – the thing that hits the brakes. Your subconscious mind, on the other hands, is the seat of imagination and impulse. It that’s the case, then of course you become suggestible when the conscious part of you gets put on the cognitive back burner. The subconscious also regulates sensations & emotions.

So if you’re entranced, a hypnotist can trigger feelings & senses via suggestion. This part of your brain also helps store memories, meaning hypnotized people can access lost memories – which also implies that it’s possible to create false memories.

Skeptics have another explanation for this state – social pressure. Their idea is that insecure people can be convinced that they should act a certain way. And when they do, they think “oh, I must be in a trance”. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy or placebo effect.

This is just scratching the surface. We haven’t even talked about how to actually hypnotize people, and whether that whole pendulum thing is real. Spoiler alert: yes. It’s meant to induce a state of suggestibility by making you focus on one object with such intensity that you lose track of external stimuli.


The Science of Hypnosis
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What happens in the brain after a concussion

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Imagine your brain as a network of all the airports, airplanes and their flight paths around the world. This network represents the brain cells or neurons and all of their connections.

If a storm comes in, some flights will be grounded and others diverted to alternate airport hubs for safety, increasing the operational demand at those hubs. This bad weather also leaves a trail of damage in its path.

The same is true in the brain. A concussion is a bad storm that disrupts many neurons, causes stretching and shearing of the axons, and leads to an overall energy crisis within the brain.

After an injury to the brain, two major events unfold:

1. Activity at the cellular level is disrupted, leading to a loss of potassium ions and an influx of calcium ions. Ion pumps work overtime to return this activity to normal, which requires a lot of energy in the form of glucose.

2. There is a decrease in the blood flow to the brain. However, blood flow is vital to transport much-needed glucose to the injured cells. This results in an energy crisis, where the body needs more glucose but reduced cerebral blood flow prevents its delivery.

Going back to the airport analogy, the storm causes chaos inside the remaining airport hubs as employees become overworked and airports understaffed.

If another bad storm passes through, it can shut down everything. So another head injury during this energy crisis can lead to brain swelling and to a potentially fatal condition called Second Impact Syndrome.
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How To Hypnotize Someone For Beginners

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How To Hypnotize Someone For Beginners

Learn How To Hypnotize Someone for Beginners in the world of hypnosis. Follow the 5 rules I present in this video and you will be able to hypnotize someone very easily. Press here to Subscribe:

Hypnosis is very easy to learn and to apply if you know what you need to do and what needs to happen to get those results.

Here are the five rules that will help any beginner to hypnotize someone fast and easy, every time.

0:00 – 0:37 | 5 Secrets for Hypnosis.
0:37 – 0:58 | The Client has to Want to be hypnotized.
0:58 – 1:10 | You have to be congruent.
1:10 – 1:22 | No Objections.
1:22 – 1:22 | Open to suggestions.
1:43 – 3:46 | Make suggestions real.

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Macbook Pro:
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Fine Needle Aspiration Thyroid Nodule (graphic)

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Learn about the thyroid gland and a thyroid nodule. Also, view a step-by-step guide through a fine needle aspiration (FNA) procedure and what to expect after the test. To learn more visit,
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Concussion management and return to learn

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Check out our Concussion infographic
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For more information on concussions, visit:

For concussion safety guidelines, visit

Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Written and Narrated by Dr. Mike Evans
Produced by Evans Health Lab
Developed by Tim Thomson, Animation Answers
©2014 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
Video Rating: / 5

HYPNOSIS EXPLAINED – Hypnotherapy with Danna Pycher | How does hypnosis work | KIENVUUMD Interviews

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HYPNOSIS EXPLAINED - Hypnotherapy with Danna Pycher | How does hypnosis work | KIENVUUMD Interviews

What is Hypnosis? How does Hypnotherapy work? How can it cure trauma and disease in the body? Join me and hear Danna Pycher talk about her personal experience from trauma to a new life after hypnosis.

Danna Pycher is a hypnotherapist specializing in chronic illness, trauma, and weight loss. She works with people from around the world to help them overcome underlying emotional issues that have created or aggravated physical distress.

Discover more of her work at:
Instagram: @mindcoaching

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Welcome to Dr. Kien’s new YouTube channel.

It’s health and medicine mixed with doses of fun and laughter.
On this channel, you’re going to learn best practices from all healing modalities – from the conventional to the not so conventional.
And we’re going to have fun !!!
Through these videos you’ll hear from physicians, healers and coaches to discuss best practices on diet, nutrition, fitness, epigenetics, biohacking, and many others to help you live a healthier, more positive, productive & fulfilled life.

I’m here to help YOU get to the root of whatever you may be facing. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been struggling… your healing journey starts NOW.
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Video Rating: / 5

Hypothyroidism Signs & Symptoms | & Why Symptoms Occur

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Hypothyroidism Signs & Symptoms | & Why Symptoms Occur

Hypothyroidism Signs & Symptoms | & Why Symptoms Occur

Hypothyroidism is a condition involving a low thyroid functioning (decreased thyroid hormone levels). Thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) are important for metabolism, movement and mentation, and when these hormones are low, it can lead to specific signs and symptoms.

I hope you find this lesson helpful. If you do, please like this video and subscribe for more lessons like this one!



EXCLAIMER: The content used in this lesson is used in accordance with Fair Use laws and is intended for educational purposes only.

**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, and information presented here is NOT TO BE USED as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal.

Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.

Hypnotherapy For Anxiety: My Experience & Mental Health Update

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Its been a while since I gave you an update on my anxiety and mental health.. so we’ll start the new year as I mean to go on!

What I mention isn’t true for everyone so please remember this is MY experience with the doctors, medication and hypnotherapy but different may apply to you.



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If a video is in collaboration with a brand, the title will state ‘AD’. All thoughts, opinions and filming are my own unless otherwise stated.
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Thyroid Issues Affect Female Fertility

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Thyroid Issues Affect Female Fertility

Normal thyroid function is important for ovulation and healthy pregnancy. Dr. David H. Barad explains how the Center for Human Reproduction normalizes thyroid function in women attempting pregnancies. Learn more about Thyroid Function at:
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Irregular, delayed or missed periods is a very common problem amongst women these days and can affect her fertility and compromise her health. Having a regular and proper menstrual cycle is a sign of good reproductive health and happy hormones in the body. In today’s episode in the Menstruation series, we discuss normal and abnormal causes of irregular periods and ways to manage them. I have tried to explain some medical facts in as simple way as I could. Hope it helps all of you and inspires you to follow a lifestyle which in itself can cure irregular periods on its own. Take care! And thank you for showing lot of love on my videos.

‘MAITRI’ which is going to be your friend and guide towards your journey to health! We will talk about female / women’s health, pregnancy, health in Corona and Covid -19 times Yoga at home, fitness, diet, PCOD and much more! Please subscribe, like and share!

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Shot and Edited by: Sejal Kumar

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Here Are The Symptoms For Low Thyroid

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Learn how to tackle a low thyroid for a better life from RedRiver Health and Wellness.
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Diagnosed with Under-Active Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)? British Doctor Dr Hart-Pinto tells you all you need to know about your Under-active thyroid.

This patient information video on hypothyroidism. covers your questions on; what is Hypothyroidism / under active thyroid? Are there any risk factors for getting an under active thyroid? What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism? & how is it diagnosed? How will your under active thyroid be treated? What are the problems if my under active thyroid isn’t treated?

#HypoThyroid #UnderActiveThyroid #Symptoms

0:00 Intro
0:38 What is under-active thyroid & What causes it?
3:00 Are there any risk factors for getting an under-active thyroid?
3:18 What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
4:15 how Hypothyroidism diagnosed?
5:31 How will your under-active thyroid be treated?
6:42 What are the problems if my under-active thyroid isn’t treated?


All images used in this video are licensed for commercial use


Medical Lectures and OSCE Videos produced by GMC registered/Certified Doctors. JHP Medical website provides access to online questions, videos and lecture notes.

Lectures cover definitions, aetiology, symptoms, clinical features, management, prognosis and complications of a wide variety of medical topics. Also covered are medical statistics, ethics and law.

1. Dr. A. Hart-Pinto MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MRCS
2. Dr. Najeebah Jaunbocus MBChB MRCGP


JHP Medical UK, uses stock footage within its videos. We do not believe, nor do we wish to imply, that individuals identifiable within stock footage suffer from the condition being discussed. If you do not wish to be included in our videos please contact our team via, and we will remove the footage.


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JHP Medical UK contains content generated by our doctors. Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on JHP Medical UK are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment.

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