Archive for the tag: After

Signs To Look For After Head Trauma, According To A Doctor

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Signs To Look For After Head Trauma, According To A Doctor

NBC’s senior medical correspondent Dr. John Torres joins TODAY to discuss Bob Saget’s cause of death, which his family says was accidental head trauma. He describes the differences in symptoms from a simple bump on the head to something more serious, and the telltale signs to look for including headaches, vision disturbance, dizziness, nausea and confusion. “There can be subtle signs that build up over time,” Dr. Torres says.

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#HeadTrauama #Health #BobSaget
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Dr. Nicole Marcantuono, a pediatric specialist in the Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Pediatrics at Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, is an expert on concussions in children. In this video, she talks about how much rest might be needed after a concussion.
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What Exactly Happens After a Concussion?

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NFL Head, Neck, and Spine Committe Co-Chair Dr. Richard Ellenbogen talks about the lack of a definitive tool, like a blood test, to diagnose brain injury, but what techniques we do have to keep athletes safe.
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What happens in the brain after a concussion

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Imagine your brain as a network of all the airports, airplanes and their flight paths around the world. This network represents the brain cells or neurons and all of their connections.

If a storm comes in, some flights will be grounded and others diverted to alternate airport hubs for safety, increasing the operational demand at those hubs. This bad weather also leaves a trail of damage in its path.

The same is true in the brain. A concussion is a bad storm that disrupts many neurons, causes stretching and shearing of the axons, and leads to an overall energy crisis within the brain.

After an injury to the brain, two major events unfold:

1. Activity at the cellular level is disrupted, leading to a loss of potassium ions and an influx of calcium ions. Ion pumps work overtime to return this activity to normal, which requires a lot of energy in the form of glucose.

2. There is a decrease in the blood flow to the brain. However, blood flow is vital to transport much-needed glucose to the injured cells. This results in an energy crisis, where the body needs more glucose but reduced cerebral blood flow prevents its delivery.

Going back to the airport analogy, the storm causes chaos inside the remaining airport hubs as employees become overworked and airports understaffed.

If another bad storm passes through, it can shut down everything. So another head injury during this energy crisis can lead to brain swelling and to a potentially fatal condition called Second Impact Syndrome.
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Life After Football: The Effects of Repeated Concussions

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Kevin Drake, a former NFL player, has experienced more than 10 documented concussions. At Neuroscience 2016, Drake discusses his experience in football and the changes that can improve player and youth safety.

For more information, visit
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