Archive for the tag: Anyone

How To Hypnotize Anyone Tutorial (Works Every Time)

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Hi, I’m Debbie Catz. I’m a certified clinical hypnotherapist here in the San Francisco Bay area. I have a masters degree in social work. To learn more about this you can visit my website at And now I’m going to help you understand the simplicity of hypnosis. So if you want to use hypnosis on some one else the first thing you have to do is get their permission because all hypnosis is self hypnosis.So if a person does not want to go in that relaxed stage known as hypnosis then they aren’t going to go.There are a number of ways to induce hypnosis, one of the easiest way is to tire the eyes and that can be done by staring at a point on ceiling or staring at somebody’s hand, basically tiring the eyes will get somebody to begin to get relax and begin to want to close their eyes.Once you have achieved the eye closure,then you can take a person to a favorite place,and in their mind you talk about the mind’s eye while their eyes are closed they are using their subconscious mind they are accessing their memory so they will got to a favorite place perhaps out at nature seeing all their favorite things using all their senses to be there , so you direct them uses all senses to be there, seeing all your favorite things perhaps trees, mountains may be an ocean and once they have done that then you can deepen the state of relaxation for more subconsciousness mind, the one way to deepen the state of relaxation is to count backwards, I am counting backwards from 15 down to 1 and when i am going to reach 1 you are going so deeply relaxed, more relaxed you have ever been. This isn’t rocket science, its really pretty easy. Start counting 15,14,13 and going all the way down, you will be amazed how relaxed they will become.

Hypnotize Anyone Easily in 30 Seconds or Less by Pradeep Aggarwal

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πŸ’₯ HYPNOTIZE ANYONE IN 30 SECONDS OR LESS FOR FUN, PROFIT & FAME 28 Days Whatsapp Workshop Starting 6th July


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πŸ’₯ By Renowned Hypnotherapist, NLP Trainer MR. PRADEEP AGGARWAL – Practicing Since 43 years, More than 5 lakh People Attended live Training Program In 180 Countries.

πŸ’₯ What You Will Get:

πŸ’₯ More than 80 HD Videos that includes:
πŸ‘‰ 19 Imagination Games/Suggestibility Tests
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πŸ‘‰ 7 Instant Hypnotic Inductions
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πŸ‘‰ Awakening Techniques
πŸ‘‰ 3 Videos Converting Imagination Games into Hypnotic Inductions
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This Course Is For You, if;
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