Archive for the tag: Concussion

How concussion concerns impact youth football

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Growing concern about the risks of concussions is scaring some parents away from signing their children up to play football, turning coaches into pariahs.

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What a Concussion Really Feels Like for an NFL Player

From seeing double to feeling like you are having an out-of-body-experience, retired NFL player Thomas Jones does not mince words on what a football-related concussion really feels like.

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Concussion Patients: Return To Work – Step by Step Guide

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Concussion Patients: Return To Work - Step by Step Guide

Are you suffering with ongoing concussion symptoms?  Check out our free daily workshops for patients with PCS!  Learn how to reduce your symptoms, increase your function, and reclaim your life…without seeing countless doctors or spending thousands on medical expenses!

A step by step guide to returning a concussion patient back to work and alleviating concussion symptoms along the way. Concussion Dr.

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 Take our Level One Concussion Training course – Take the first step to improve your concussion knowledge and earn 13 hours of CE credits with our Level One – Introduction to Concussion Management course! https://courses.completeconcussions.c… 

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 About us: Complete Concussion Management is a network of trained multidisciplinary healthcare practitioners with advanced training and certification in the assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatment/rehab of concussion injuries. We help patients and athletes safely return to learn, work and play. Looking for concussion assessments, treatment or rehabilitation? We’re here to help: 

CCMI’s blog is your resource for concussion knowledge. Updated regularly:… 

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DISCLAIMER This is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of doctors and/or healthcare professionals. Patients should consult their physician and/or healthcare providers in matters relating to their health, and in particular, with respect to any concussion and/or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Video Rating: / 5

Football concussions are one of the most common sports injuries. The NFL concussion policy has come under a lot of scrutiny and I’m here to help give a more simple look at how players are evaluated for a concussion in the NFL.

All of this information can be found publicly online, at sites like this but most people don’t really understand all of the tests. I hope this video helps clarify the concussion screening process and gives a look inside that sideline blue medical tent!


DISCLAIMER: This video represents the opinions of the individual and not my employer, Mayo Clinic. This video is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns you may have a concussion
Video Rating: / 5

What happens in the brain after a concussion

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Imagine your brain as a network of all the airports, airplanes and their flight paths around the world. This network represents the brain cells or neurons and all of their connections.

If a storm comes in, some flights will be grounded and others diverted to alternate airport hubs for safety, increasing the operational demand at those hubs. This bad weather also leaves a trail of damage in its path.

The same is true in the brain. A concussion is a bad storm that disrupts many neurons, causes stretching and shearing of the axons, and leads to an overall energy crisis within the brain.

After an injury to the brain, two major events unfold:

1. Activity at the cellular level is disrupted, leading to a loss of potassium ions and an influx of calcium ions. Ion pumps work overtime to return this activity to normal, which requires a lot of energy in the form of glucose.

2. There is a decrease in the blood flow to the brain. However, blood flow is vital to transport much-needed glucose to the injured cells. This results in an energy crisis, where the body needs more glucose but reduced cerebral blood flow prevents its delivery.

Going back to the airport analogy, the storm causes chaos inside the remaining airport hubs as employees become overworked and airports understaffed.

If another bad storm passes through, it can shut down everything. So another head injury during this energy crisis can lead to brain swelling and to a potentially fatal condition called Second Impact Syndrome.
Video Rating: / 5

Concussion management and return to learn

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Check out our Concussion infographic
Follow Dr. Mike for new videos!

For more information on concussions, visit:

For concussion safety guidelines, visit

Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Written and Narrated by Dr. Mike Evans
Produced by Evans Health Lab
Developed by Tim Thomson, Animation Answers
©2014 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
Video Rating: / 5

How to treat a concussion (Concussion treatment at home) |Cognitive FX

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In this video, we answer how to treat a concussion from home, what to do when you get a concussion, what to look for in concussion treatment, and what to do if you need additional concussion treatment.

List of concussion specialist across the country:

Dr. Fong explains in this video how to treat a concussion from home. She explains what you should do first when you get a concussion, how to find a good concussion clinic, 3 tips for at-home concussion treatment, and what to do if you have not recovered from your concussion. Dr. Fong is one of the world’s leaders in concussion research and treatment and is often asked to present her cutting-edge concussion research at conferences across the world.


Have you been dealing with symptoms for longer than 3 months after your concussion, traumatic brain injury, whiplash, or another head-related injury? Sign up for a free consultation with us, and one of our doctors will help you on your pathway to recovery. Click this link here to sign up!

Is it possible to recover from Post-Concussion Symptoms? Yes! You can recover from post-concussion syndrome! This is just one tool that we use to help people recover from chronic concussion symptoms. We have individualized treatment plans just for you. check out our channel for more!

Stop dealing with the symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome, and start living your life again, to the same level or better than before!

Want more information on Post-Concussion Symptoms? Check out this blog post:

00:00 How to treat a concussion
00:13 First Step
00:37 Second Step
01:01 Choosing a Concussion Clinic
01:47 At-Home Tips for Concussion Treatment
02:01 Concussion Treatment Tip #1: Active Rest
03:01 Concussion Treatment Tip #2: Mindfulness
03:30 Concussion Treatment Tip #3: Manage your Intake
04:03 What if I still have symptoms from my concussion?
04:28 Cognitive FX for Post-Concussion Symptoms

#CognitiveFX #ConcussionTreatment #BestConcussionDoctor
Video Rating: / 5

Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury) due to Whiplash

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View more NUCLEUS medical animations at

If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: – This 3D medical animation shows the normal anatomy of the brain, and how concussions, and type of brain injury, occur. Common symptoms and treatment options are presented.

#concussion #braininjury #whiplash

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3 At Home Tips To Treat A Concussion

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3 tips for to help speed up your concussion recovery at home. Remember, concussion recovery should always be done with a healthcare professional trained in concussion recovery.

Interested in learning more about the treatment and management of concussion?

— CONCUSSION PATIENTS! Learn how to treat your concussion from home in Dr. Cameron Marshall’s weekly online workshops. Click here to learn more:

— CLINICIANS AND REHAB THERAPISTS (PT, DC, OT, AT, etc.)! Learn how to treat ANY Concussion Patient that enters your clinic in Dr. Cameron Marshall’s weekly online workshops. Click here to learn more:

Follow Dr. Cameron Marshall on Instagram for daily information on concussion: @concussion_doc
Video Rating: / 5

What happens when you have a concussion? – Clifford Robbins

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View full lesson:

Each year in the United States, players of sports and recreational activities receive between 2.5 and 4 million concussions. How dangerous are all those concussions? The answer is complicated and lies in how the brain responds when something strikes it. Clifford Robbins explains the science behind concussions.

Lesson by Clifford Robbins, directed by Boniato Studio.
Video Rating: / 5

How is a Concussion Diagnosed? Signs, Symptoms and Tests

injuries No Comments » Dr. David Clark, DC–Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill concussion doctor– explains how a concussion is diagnosed. The answer will surprise you.

20% of Concussion victims will STILL suffer, even after 30 days of rest. The most common symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome are:
Vision problems
Trouble concentrating
Memory loss
Neck pain
Insomnia/sleep disturbance

Dr. David Clark, DC
Fellow American College of Functional Neurology
Fellow American Board of Brain Injury & Rehabilitation
Fellow American Association of Integrative Medicine
Diplomate College of Clinical Nutrition
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
Fellow American Board of Vestibular Rehab
Vestibular Rehab Specialist (ACNB)

6015 Fayetteville Rd Ste 111
Durham, NC 27713


How do you treat a concussion? | Norton Sports Health

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Tad Seifert, M.D., answers the question, “How do you treat a concussion?”

To learn more about concussions, go to