Thyroid Issues Affect Female Fertility

Normal thyroid function is important for ovulation and healthy pregnancy. Dr. David H. Barad explains how the Center for Human Reproduction normalizes thyroid function in women attempting pregnancies. Learn more about Thyroid Function at:
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Irregular, delayed or missed periods is a very common problem amongst women these days and can affect her fertility and compromise her health. Having a regular and proper menstrual cycle is a sign of good reproductive health and happy hormones in the body. In today’s episode in the Menstruation series, we discuss normal and abnormal causes of irregular periods and ways to manage them. I have tried to explain some medical facts in as simple way as I could. Hope it helps all of you and inspires you to follow a lifestyle which in itself can cure irregular periods on its own. Take care! And thank you for showing lot of love on my videos.

‘MAITRI’ which is going to be your friend and guide towards your journey to health! We will talk about female / women’s health, pregnancy, health in Corona and Covid -19 times Yoga at home, fitness, diet, PCOD and much more! Please subscribe, like and share!

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Shot and Edited by: Sejal Kumar

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