Archive for the tag: Hypnotize

How To Hypnotize Anyone Tutorial (Works Every Time)

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Hi, I’m Debbie Catz. I’m a certified clinical hypnotherapist here in the San Francisco Bay area. I have a masters degree in social work. To learn more about this you can visit my website at And now I’m going to help you understand the simplicity of hypnosis. So if you want to use hypnosis on some one else the first thing you have to do is get their permission because all hypnosis is self hypnosis.So if a person does not want to go in that relaxed stage known as hypnosis then they aren’t going to go.There are a number of ways to induce hypnosis, one of the easiest way is to tire the eyes and that can be done by staring at a point on ceiling or staring at somebody’s hand, basically tiring the eyes will get somebody to begin to get relax and begin to want to close their eyes.Once you have achieved the eye closure,then you can take a person to a favorite place,and in their mind you talk about the mind’s eye while their eyes are closed they are using their subconscious mind they are accessing their memory so they will got to a favorite place perhaps out at nature seeing all their favorite things using all their senses to be there , so you direct them uses all senses to be there, seeing all your favorite things perhaps trees, mountains may be an ocean and once they have done that then you can deepen the state of relaxation for more subconsciousness mind, the one way to deepen the state of relaxation is to count backwards, I am counting backwards from 15 down to 1 and when i am going to reach 1 you are going so deeply relaxed, more relaxed you have ever been. This isn’t rocket science, its really pretty easy. Start counting 15,14,13 and going all the way down, you will be amazed how relaxed they will become.

How To Hypnotize Someone Easy

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How To Hypnotize Someone Easy
Do you want to learn How To Hypnotize Someone Easy? Press here and find out now!
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Learning how to hypnotize someone is very easy and you can already do it right now!
The key is to be able to excite and grab the attention of the person you want to hypnotize!

We have all been hypnotized several times in our lives as well as we hypnotized others. How? Very simple!
Every time you tell a story, you are actually inducing your listener into a state a trance.

Sadly, many people have the wrong idea about hypnosis and think of it more like some sort of magic or sorcery than a tool for help, healing, and growth.

Hypnosis is not magic but can have magical results. It works at the deepest level of the mind and psyche and the transformations achieved with its help are often long-lasting.

If you want to learn how to hypnotize someone for beginners click here:

Here are a few words that you can use instead of hypnosis:
– enthralled,
– entranced
– absorbed
– sucked in
– engulfed
– consumed
– excited
– passionate
– mesmerized
– fascinated
– spellbound
– compelled

Therefore, the best way to hypnotize someone easily is to tell them a story.

Stories activate several areas of our brains whereas plain facts and numbers engage only a few. That is the reason why most people are bored to death when it comes to data only.

However, if you mix data with metaphors, you can generate amazing stories that grab people’s attention and spark their imagination.
That is trance!
That is a form of hypnosis!

This ability to help people through stories was taken to the next level by arguably, the most famous modern-day hypnotist, Milton Erickson.

Milton was the champion of healing through stories and has helped many people throughout his career by hypnotizing them easily with stories.

This is also my recommendation to you, especially if you are a beginner in hypnosis: learn how to use metaphors, comparisons, and create stories.
In those stories, introduce the suggestions you would like to give.
This works especially well if you want to help other people.

Our brains are wired for stories. We heard them since our early childhood and they influenced our lives in every single way.
That is why it is so easy to hypnotize people by telling them stories.

If you want to learn hypnosis and want to learn how to hypnotize people make sure to subscribe to this channel by clicking on this link:

Also, if you want o get more articles and courses about hypnosis, make sure to visit my website at:

My goal is to help people have a better life through a variety of how-to techniques and methods, by publishing videos about the mind, emotions and the body.

The videos I post here include hypnosis techniques, NLP techniques, psychology and psychotherapy, coaching and counseling practices that will help you both as a professional as well as a human being.

Let’s keep in touch!
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How to Hypnotize Someone Instantly

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The Arm Pull Induction. Notice two things. First of all, she starts to go into hypnosis before I do the induction and second, her knees buckle. I was so glad I had placed a chair behind her… just in case!

If you’d like to learn hypnosis for free, go to my website and sign up for my newsletter. It comes out every Tuesday morning and provides FREE tips on how to do hypnosis. This is the place where I explain in detail what is going on in the videos. Guaranteed non-spammy!!

Learn how to do Instant Hypnosis:

Can somebody who doesn’t think that hypnosis is real actually get hypnotized?

Hypnosis isn’t mind control so it won’t work if somebody is closed off to it, but whether you think it’s real or not, if you are open to experiencing hypnosis then you can get hypnotized!

If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to subscribe and enable notifications so you don’t miss any of the exciting new videos I have releasing soon! (:

I have MERCH available! Check out to grab some cool hypnosis swag!

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How to Hypnotize Someone

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Free Hypnosis Course at

Learn how to hypnotize someone with our free course, click the link above. There have been tons of people emailing us and asking for a fast and simple way to see if hypnosis can work for someone who’s not an expert and just wants a quick mind control trick to practice on their friends. That is why we created this video. But, if you want to learn the real secrets of covert mind control and how to hypnotize someone they follow the above url for the free program.

We’ve been in the fields of hypnotism and mind control for years and now teach the methods and techniques of NLP, mind control, mentalism and much more.

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Conversational Hypnosis NLP Subliminal Persuasion

How to Hypnotize Someone

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With a little practice and some simple techniques, you can amuse your friends or help them break a habit through hypnosis.

Step 1: Research
Do research and read up on hypnosis. Responsible conduct is essential when your subject is placing their trust in you.

Step 2: Communicate your intentions
Begin by communicating your intentions to your subject, and learn their anxieties about the process. Answer questions and reassure them that they will emerge from the trance.

Step 3: Make them comfortable
Encourage your subject to sit or lie down and be comfortable. Guide them in relaxing parts of their body. Use a soothing voice and be sure they are unconscious and ready to submit to suggestion.

This may not work if someone is not inclined to respond to suggestion or so tense they are unable to concentrate.

Step 4: Reinforce their safety
Reinforce your subject’s safety and comfort repeatedly with positive phrases like, “You’re doing just fine,” and “That’s great. Just relax.”

Step 5: Note changes in breathing
Note changes in breathing or fluttering eyelids as signs that the person has gone under. Sometimes the limbs or fingers twitch.

Step 6: Ask questions
Ask questions, adhering to the goal of the session.

Hypnosis can be used to manage pain, relieve anxiety, conquer phobias, prepare for childbirth, and cure insomnia, among other things.

Step 7: Bring them back
Return your subject to consciousness by counting to five, becoming more animated with every number, until you direct them to wake, “feeling refreshed.”

Did You Know?
The term “hypnosis” was coined by James Braid in 1843 to describe the state his patients entered when staring at a shiny watch.
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Here’s an easy method to hypnotize someone who thinks they can’t be hypnotized 🙂
If you want to learn how to do even more powerful hypnosis inductions and techniques, click here:

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Hypnotize Anyone Easily in 30 Seconds or Less by Pradeep Aggarwal

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💥 UPTO 90% OFF! 👉 On Pradeep Aggarwal’s HomeStudy Courses(Video, Audio, Ebooks) On Hypnosis, NLP, Law Of Attraction, Psychic Power, Persuasion, EFT, Self Hypnosis, Mind Power & Much More….👈

💥 Click Right Now To Avail The Offer:

💥 HYPNOTIZE ANYONE IN 30 SECONDS OR LESS FOR FUN, PROFIT & FAME 28 Days Whatsapp Workshop Starting 6th July


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💥 By Renowned Hypnotherapist, NLP Trainer MR. PRADEEP AGGARWAL – Practicing Since 43 years, More than 5 lakh People Attended live Training Program In 180 Countries.

💥 What You Will Get:

💥 More than 80 HD Videos that includes:
👉 19 Imagination Games/Suggestibility Tests
👉 12 Rapid Hypnotic Inductions
👉 7 Instant Hypnotic Inductions
👉 Deepening Techniques
👉 Awakening Techniques
👉 3 Videos Converting Imagination Games into Hypnotic Inductions
👉 Group Hypnosis
👉 5 Therapy Techniques
👉 Pain Management
👉 Using Imagery For Healing
👉 4 PDFs
👉 Self Hypnosis Audio

This Course Is For You, if;
👉You want to become a Master Hypnotist
👉You want to use hypnosis to help yourself and others
👉You want to hypnotize Others
👉You want to amaze your Friends
👉You want to give Demos
👉You want to add hypnosis to your professional toolkit.
👉You want to Hypnotize Groups
👉You want to create irresistible Rapport & Connection
👉You want to do Instant Induction

👉You can start your own hypnosis profession or just play around in your spare time.

💥 Course Starts 6th July
💥 Includes : 80+ HD Videos, 1 Audio ,4 Pdfs.
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How To Hypnotize Someone The Easy Way! (FREE TRAINING)

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Here are the first 3 METHODS that you need to know as a beginner hypnotist!
Plus, get hypnotized through the screen (if you want) so that you can know what it feels like!


For a limited-time, when you get Master Hypnosis today, you will also receive:
+ FREE lifetime access to the online Hypno Dojo (where you will receive ongiong mentoring and support from myself and other master hypnotists!)
+ “Higher Self” mp3 where I hypnotize you to become the best hypnotist and version of yourself ( value)
+ Stop Smoking Hypnosis Training where you will learn how to make anyone stop smoking permanently in ONE hour! (7 value)

I truly believe that it shouldn’t cost you anything to work with me.
This is an investment in your dreams and your best life.

That’s why I’m including my Stop Smoking training as a bonus gift so that you have a tool that not only changes lives, but allows you to make 0+ per person that you work with. That way you can make your investment back with just ONE client and continue to make 0/client for as long as you want!

The average smoker spends 0/month on cigarettes.
So they’re paying you 0 to free themselves, become healthier, AND save themselves 0/month. It’s a win-win 🙂
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How To Hypnotize Someone For Beginners

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How To Hypnotize Someone For Beginners

Learn How To Hypnotize Someone for Beginners in the world of hypnosis. Follow the 5 rules I present in this video and you will be able to hypnotize someone very easily. Press here to Subscribe:

Hypnosis is very easy to learn and to apply if you know what you need to do and what needs to happen to get those results.

Here are the five rules that will help any beginner to hypnotize someone fast and easy, every time.

0:00 – 0:37 | 5 Secrets for Hypnosis.
0:37 – 0:58 | The Client has to Want to be hypnotized.
0:58 – 1:10 | You have to be congruent.
1:10 – 1:22 | No Objections.
1:22 – 1:22 | Open to suggestions.
1:43 – 3:46 | Make suggestions real.

Gear I used to shoot this video:
Macbook Pro:
Panasonic 4K Camer
iRig Lav for Iphone:
Camtasia for Mac:


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