Archive for the tag: Traumatic

Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury) due to Whiplash

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If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: – This 3D medical animation shows the normal anatomy of the brain, and how concussions, and type of brain injury, occur. Common symptoms and treatment options are presented.

#concussion #braininjury #whiplash

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Concussion / Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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Concussion / Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

UPDATE APRIL 2013: a newer version of this animation is now available! Watch it here: – This 3D medical animation shows and explains the mechanism for mild traumatic brain injury, which includes concussion injuries. Two types of coup-contrecoup injury are shown: low-speed coup-countrecoup injury, and high-speed coup-contrecoup injury. The high-speed coup-contrecoup injury creates apparent contusions. The low-speed coup-contrecoup injury has damage from shifting layers within the brain at the microscopic level. This animation shows axonal-shearing or how axons rip away from the cell bodies of neurons during coup-contrecoup, and the degenerative damage that occurs later.

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